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Medicare caregiver resource center

We know that caring for someone else can be challenging. But we’re here for you, while you’re there for them–with the information you need to take that next right step. With confidence. What will you find here? A carefully curated collection of articles and information that offer practical perspectives and solutions for caregiving challenges.

Keeping your loved one safe and healthy

Being responsible for a loved one’s health and safety comes with uncertainty and challenges, but with the right information, confidence is possible.

We’re here for you with this collection of articles that’s been written by caregivers, for caregivers.

Caregiving basics:

Caregiving day to day

Caregiving in (or after) crisis

Keeping yourself healthy as a caregiver

When caring for a loved one, it’s easy to forget to care for yourself. We’re here to help you find ways to keep yourself healthy.

Caregiver basics

Help for you


Becoming part of the health care team with Independence Blue Cross

Family caregivers are integral to our members’ health and quality of life. We want you to be part of the health care team.

Website last updated: 12/8/2022